
Star Trek: Paris – The Restoration – Complete!

It’s finally finished!


I’ve now restored over 90% of the original site – there are a few pages missing here and there but overall there is enough content to enjoy!

The one thing I found the most annoying when working through this was those damn Tripod ad scripts – you think you’ve deleted them all from the source HTML but then one crops up and starts messing with the navigation! I think I’ve managed to get all of them now though!

Head on over to the site and enjoy 🙂


What’s next?

So, the next series I’m going to work on restoring is Star Trek: Khitomer by Pete Tzinski – watch this space!

Ant Howe

Ant Howe

Trekkie, Fan Fiction Writer, Gamer, Website Builder and all round nice guy LLAP 🖖

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