Phantoms in the Night


Lieutenant Commander Rojc stepped into Transporter room one and nodded to the chief on duty. "Energize."

Within moments, the Phantom's Commanding Officer materialized on the transporter pad. "Permission to come aboard, Captain Rojc." Captain Daniel Whitman smiled.

Rojc grinned. "Permission granted, sir."

Whitman stepped off the transporter pad and clasped his hand on Rojc's shoulder. "It's been a while, Dade. So how do like your first command?"

He chuckled. "It's been exhausting...we've been back to spacedock almost two dozen times now, half the engineering crew is in sickbay, and we still don't have a complete medical crew." Rojc gestured to the door. Whitman took the lead, followed by Rojc, and they stepped out of the transporter room. "Its been six months of hell."

"Welcome to command." The two officers continued down the hallway.

"Anyhow, I apologize for the lack of a welcoming party, but since we didn't know when you'd get here, didn't have the time, and my knowledge that you hate them anyway, I thought best to skip the formalities."

"Good man, Dade. I've taught you well."

"Any word on our first officer yet?"

"I'd think you'd know before I would. But no, nothing yet. Sure you don't want the job?"

"Absolutely. Besides, I heard the Institute is insisting on getting a science-type for your XO."

"Anything significant to report otherwise?"

"No, that's about it. Nothing even remotely interesting." Rojc and Whitman stopped at the end of the corridor and entered the turbo lift. "Bridge."

"I suppose you'd like an enemy attack, right about now." Whitman grinned.

"I'd rather fight an enemy than my own ship." Rojc and Whitman both laughed. "Say, how's Melissa doing?"

"She's doing good. She just got assigned to the Enterprise as Assistant Security 2."

After a moment, the turbolift came to a stop, and Rojc and Whitman entered the Bridge.

"Captain on the Bridge!"

Immediately the Bridge crew turned away from their stations and saluted the Captain.

Whitman saluted back. "At ease."

"Computer, this is Lieutenant Commander Dade Rojc. Transfer command of this vessel to Captain Daniel Whitman, authorization Rojc Delta Pi Highlander Two."

The computer chirped its response. "Command has been transferred."

"She's all yours, Captain. There's a pile of reports and requests sitting on your desk, waiting for approval," Rojc grinned.

Whitman gave Rojc a dirty look. "You're supposed to finish your work before you relinquish command."

Rojc continued to grin. "I did finish the work. That's what accumulated since you came onboard. Permission to leave the Bridge?"

Whitman shook his head. "Permission granted."

As Rojc walked into the turbolift, Whitman stepped into his ready room. On his desk were three piles of reports stacked five high. Whitman sighed. "Oh brother."

Rojc groaned as he sat at the desk in his quarters. When Guitarrez had said the ODN was a mess, she wasn't kidding. After a brief pause, Rojc turned his attention to his desk computer--it still had no new input to add to the security protocols. Unexpectedly, the door chime rang. Rojc looked up. "Enter." In walked the Phantom's new first officer, Senishra. Rojc awkwardly rose from his chair.

Senishra was the first to speak. "Greetings, Dade."

"Hello, Senishra," he stammered, "I hadn't heard you were on-board yet." He gestured to a near-by chair.

Senishra shook her head. "No thank you. I just stopped by to say hello. I imagine you are quite tired."

Rojc grinned weakly. "You've been talking to our Chief Engineer already, I see."

In an manner uncharacteristic of a Vulcan, Senishra returned the grin and raised an eye brow. "Yes. She has had much to say about you."

"Don't believe a word of it. All lies."

"I'm sure," she said, continuing to grin.

Rojc smiled. "Congratulations on your promotion."

"Starfleet Command went through a half-dozen other candidates submitted by the Institute before choosing me for this post I'm told."

"If that's the worse thing that comes of this assignment, be happy."

Senishra relaxed her posture. "We have much catching up to do, but it can wait until tomorrow."

"You'll get no argument here. You've got be just about as tired as me. At least, that's what I hear from the Sutherland."

Senishra smiled weakly. "Good night, Dade."

"Good night, Senishra."

Senishra turned and walked out of Rojc's quarters.

"Damn Breen and Romulans--we're in the middle of a war with the Dominion, and they pick now to resume hostilities," growled Vice-Admiral Monthon, "They have resumed boarder raids--war is imminent. And being the Federation advisor in charge of that region, this becomes my problem."

"What started the hostilities?" asked Admiral Gosimere via the subspace communication.

"Who knows for certain?" Monthon frowned. "The Breen claim they are retaliating for the destruction of one of their ship yard facilities roughly a week ago. The Romulans are claiming to know nothing about the attack."

"And current Romulan response?"

"Since we are now 'allies', they request that we give them assistance," replied Monthon, "As of now, we are officially remaining neutral."

"Then we have time to decide how to proceed."

"I don't think we have that kind of time. The Breen have conducted over a dozen raids. We may not have considered them a military threat in the past, but the Romulans report that the Breen are doing some severe damage. We need to action now. If we don't stop this from getting out of hand, either the Breen will join the Dominion, or the Breen government will dissolve."

"Either of those is unacceptable. We need to dispatch a task force to investigate," declared Gosimere.

"Normally I'd agree with you Admiral, but that presents two problems. First of all, the Breen may see this as our declaration of support for the Romulans, and secondly, we simply cannot spare the ships from the front lines."

"I have your answer, Admiral. The USS Phantom is on shakedown, only a couple sectors away from Starbase 265."

Admiral Monthon looked almost shocked. "The Phantom? Isn't that the new ship that the Daystrom Institute has been working on?"

"Yes it is Admiral."

"Are you sure about this? Sending out the latest in Federation technology to a hot spot doesn't seem wise, especially considering the fiasco with the Prometheus," Monthon replied.

"Whitman is an excellent captain, and he has an excellent crew serving under him."

Monthon sighed. "Do you have the Institute's permission to send her out?"

"No, but I'm certain I'll get it. You have my full authorization to order the Phantom to investigate."

"Very good Admrial. That's all I have to report. Monthon out." With that, the subspace link was closed. Monthon turned to his assistant. "Commander, get me the Phantom on subspace."

"What happened this time?" asked Dr. Arona Ilysa.

"Well--," Lieutenant Commander. Lucia Guitarrez grimaced, "I was messing around with the computer core, trying to fix some of the faulty programming, I must've done something wrong, cause I triggered the security protocols and I'm sure you can imagine the rest."

Arona ran the tricorder over Lieutenant Commander Lucia Guitarrez. "This is what, you're eighth, no ninth accident since we left space dock?

Guitarrez glared at Arona, "It's only my sixth."

Arona smiled, "My mistake. Lie still, will you. The tissue regenerator doesn't exactly work well when you're squirming around."

"You take a stun force field, then we'll see how much you squirm around."

"The security protocols strike again."

Arona paused. "There, good as new. Try to be more careful."

Guitarrez grumbled something incoherently. "By the way, Melina won't be joining us tonight."

"She give any reason?"

"Does she ever? I'm sure it has something to do with the death of her brother."

Arona sighed. "Someone has to talk to her. And she hasn't listened to you or me. I doubt Senishra is a much better choice."

"I'll talk to Rojc about it, she is training under him, after all."

"I still don't understand why we don't have a counselor." Guitarrez slid off the bio-bed. "Well, I have to get back down to Engineering. See you tonight."


"Computer, load program Rojc Lambda Three."

The computer chirped in response to Lieutenant Commander Dade Rojc's order.

"More target practice?" Lt. Nicot mock-whined. "And where is Iv'Oor at?"

Rojc remained distant. "I gave Iv'Oor some time off." He paused. "Target Practice is one of the most basic skills--something you still don't have down."

The computer chirped again. "Program complete, enter when ready." Rojc walked into the holodeck, followed by Nicot. The holodeck had changed little--the room was nearly completely dark, and in the middle was a ring.

Nicot sighed, entered the ring, and picked up a phaser. "Begin program." The first target sailed overhead. Nicot missed by mere inches. He missed the next couple of targets similarly.

Rojc threw up his hands in frustration. "Computer, pause program." Nicot turned to face him. "You are reacting, not anticipating." Rojc stepped into the ring and picked up the second phaser. "Restart program. Set for two people. Begin."

The first target appeared. Rojc hit his target, Nicot barely missed. The next appeared. Again, Rojc hit his target, and Nicot missed his.

Nicot broke the silence. "So you going to tell me what's going on?"

Rojc was silent for a moment, as the next target went by. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Nicot hit his target. "You know what I'm talking about. You've been . . . distant since the Captain came on board."

"Its . . . nothing."

Nicot let the next target pass. "You like someone! Who is it? Iv'Oor?"

"No. You don't understand," grunted Rojc as he shot the target, "its just not that simple."

"Who is it, Rojc?" asked Lt. Nicot, barely missing the target.

Rojc sighed. He quickly aimed and hit the next target.

"Come on, who is it?" asked Nicot for a second time, once again missing his target.

"Its . . . Senishra," uttered Rojc, this time missing his target.

"You're kidding me." Nicot whirled around to face Rojc. "You can't be serious! She's a Vulcan--no emotion--you've got a better chance with Arona than her."

"Computer, end program." Rojc walked to the exit.

"Hey! Wait up!" called Nicot behind him.

Rojc stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry if its seemed like I've been taking this out on you and the rest of the division, but its been really frustrating being around her again."

"Does she know?"

"I don't know." Rojc sighed. "I can be sent to a Dominion prison camp to free a prisoner from maximum security without a worry, but I can't tell the woman I love the way I feel about her. I think she has the same feelings for me, but . . . " His voice trailed off.

"But she's a Vulcan."


"Man, when you fall, you fall hard," remarked Nicot, "Let's go to mess hall."

"Admiral, this is a high-profile mission! The Phantom has only had a couple months of shakedown--I'm not sure we're ready for this kind of assignment," protested Captain Whitman.

"Captain, your ship is the closest ship without an assignment at this time. You're not ready for the front lines--," began Monthon.

"And we're not ready for this either. We're seven months out of space dock, and we still don't have all these damned experimental systems working," interrupted Whitman, "Admiral, my command crew--"

"--is well experienced. Commander Rojc, for example, is one of the best in his field."

"Commander Rojc is not the issue. My chief engineer and half her engineering staff is in sick bay half the time, I only have half of my medical staff, and I still don't have a counselor."

"I understand your problems, but you'll have to find a way to deal with them. This situation requires attention now, and quite simply Captain, your ship is the only one available for this mission," replied Monthon.

Whitman and Monthon said nothing for a moment. "Has the Institute approved of this?"

"They really didn't have much choice in the matter. Admiral Gosimere got their full compliance and turned your vessel over to me."

"That must of took some doing."

"I'm sure it did." Monthon paused. "Captain, you and your ship are our only hope of finding out what happened and preventing the coming war. I expect your departure immediately. And Captain, good luck. Monthon out."

"Great, just great," thought Whitman. "Helm--set course for Breen, warp 7," ordered Whitman, stepping out of his ready room.

"Course plotted," replied Lt. Melina Iv'Oor


"New orders, sir?" asked Commander Senishra as she stood up.

"Yes," came the brief response. He hit a button on the command chair console. "All senior officers, report to the Conference lounge."

Within a few moments, the senior staff assembled in the lounge, sitting around the briefing table.

Whitman stood up. "We have our first assignment."

Several of the senior staff looked at each other apprehensively.

"No, they're not sending us to the front lines yet. No, we are going to Breen," continued the Captain.

"That's almost worse than shakedown," Rojc commented.

"For those of you not familiar with the current situation between the Breen and the Romulans, I'll be brief. War is immanent unless we can stop it."

"One ship against two enemy fleets?" asked Iv'Oor incredulously.

"Not quite, Lieutenant," answered Commander Senishra, "Hostilities are being postponed until we are given a chance to provide an unbiased investigation of the site in question."

"In addition," continued Whitman, "we are taking on a Breen envoy, someone familiar with the sector we will be in."

A loud groan sounded from around the table.

"Yes, I realize this will not be easy, as the Breen are not exactly the most . . . cordial of the races, but Starfleet felt we needed a guide," said Whitman, answering the groan.

"So what this boils down to, is that we are entering a potential war zone to investigate . . ." Arona stopped, "What exactly are we supposed to investigate?"

Rojc took the initiative. "Roughly a week ago, a Breen starbase on their frontier was ransacked by what they believe to be a Romulan attack force."

"Yes," interrupted Whitman, "Naturally the Breen have already begun boarder raids against them in retaliation."

"So why us?" asked Nicot, "I mean, the Phantom is still full of bugs, and yet, we're sent on some high profile mission?"

Whitman sighed. "We are the closest ship to Breen space which does not have an assignment of pressing importance. That, and they want to show off to the Romulans and the Breen their newest class of ship."

"More saber rattling from the ever-so-benevolent Federation," said Arona with disgust.

Whitman let the comment slide. "I'll expect a full report on ship's status by the time we reach Breen in 72 hours. Dismissed."

Rojc arrived at Iv'Oor's quarters. Somewhat reluctantly, he reached out and rang the chime. The doors opened swiftly, and he stepped through.

Iv'Oor looked up from her terminal. She smiled. "Commander. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing," replied Rojc, with a touch of concern lingering in his voice.

"To be honest, I'm a lot better now."

"Melina--" Rojc stopped. "Melina, you don't need to push me away. I'm concerned about you."

Iv'Oor shut off her desk terminal and stood up. "Commander--Dade, I know you're trying to help me feel better, but I'm just not ready to yet. I don't know if I can ever get over my brother's death."

"I know you two were very close, but I need to be able to count on you to function to your full capabilities. This emotional baggage you're carrying around isn't healthy."

"So what am I supposed to do? Stop caring?" She turned away from Rojc.

"I wish we had a counselor," Rojc mumbled. He stepped closer to Iv'Oor and put an hand on her shoulder. "I know what you're going through isn't easy--I lost my parents to war. Losing a loved one is never easy, but we are still here in this life, and we need to continue on with that life."

"I didn't know that." Iv'Oor turned around and looked up at Rojc. "Does it ever get end? Does the constant flood of memories, the pain and the hurting, does it ever end?"

"I wish I could say it does. There's always some reminder of the past." Iv'Oor looked away. "But it does get easier--you feel the pain less and less as time goes on. But you need to cope with your loss, not bury it down, not brood over it--you need to confront it, and ultimately feel better."

Iv'Oor kissed Rojc on the cheek. "Thank you, Dade. You've given me a lot to think about. Who needs a counselor with you around?"

Dade started to blush. "I should go, we'll be arriving at Breen tomorrow." He walked to the door. "Good night, Melina."

"Good night, Dade," she replied as he walked out of her quarters.